Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bread and Roses essays

Bread and Roses essays In the film Bread and Roses, we see a real humanistic story of an immigrant in the United States. For me, It represents the life of most of the immigrants who are working and living in this powerful country right now .There are many themes in this film that I can write about, but the main ones are the exploitation and the low wages of the immigrants in their jobs, the decisions they have to make about something important, the right to freedom of speech, and the respect to peoples job. For me each character represents these themes in the film. In this essay I want to explain my point of view about these themes in this great film . This film give us an idea of the types of jobs in a big city like Los Angeles, also you see the exploitation and the low wages that immigrants receive. A good example is Maya and the other janitors. Do you think that the janitors receive the same benefits and wages of a person who works in a office?. Well I dont think so. That is why Maya wanted to fight, because she wanted benefits and a reasonable paid for her and all the janitors. I like her when she said that the immigrants are very important in this country, because is true. This country has a good economy thanks for us. If we think of the immigrants that work in the fields, factories, cleaning houses and other jobs, we are benefitting this country in a great way, but I cant accept the treatment and exploitation from some persons that treat the immigrant workers like animals; and even if its a person who is our own race like the manager of the janitors in the film. When I watched that part of the movie when he was firing a wo man who had been work there seventeen years, I was very upset. If I was her, I would answer him with harsh words , and I wouldnt care to loose the job. Also in this film we see the decisions that had to make the janitors to unite with the union of janitors. Well I think t ...

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